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Collaborative Playlists
Collaborative Playlists

Vidcast allows you to curate video Playlists with multiple colleagues

Tomas Tarasovic avatar
Written by Tomas Tarasovic
Updated over 8 months ago

Our Playlists feature is a great way to organize your recordings. But what if you wanted to put together a Playlist that would allow your teammates to include their own videos? Vidcast lets you do exactly that!

To view a video overview of Collaborative Playlists, simply click the below thumbnail

Collaborative Playlists demo

Open your Library and select the Playlists tab and you'll see My playlists and Collaborative sections together with Shared with me and Recently viewed.

Screenshot of the playlist tab in Library

My playlists is where you'll find every Playlist that you've created, regardless of whether you've shared it with anyone or not. Collaborative is where you'll find all Playlists that someone else created and invited you to collaborate. Shared with me tab is where you will find all Playlist that were specifically shared with you via email and Recently viewed will show a history of all Playlists that you viewed. Clicking on See all button on the right hand side will show you all historical playlists you created, watched, collaborated on or were invited to watch

How do I start a Collaborative Playlist?

To start, just create a Playlist like you normally would. Inviting others to collaborate is as easy as changing the sharing settings. To do that, open up your Playlist and select the Share option near the upper right corner.

Collaborative Playlists share

Once you've opened the sharing settings, add your colleagues to the share list by entering their emails and selecting Share.

Collaborative Playlists share

When your colleagues are added, they'll default as being a Viewer. By changing that to an Editor, you're giving them the ability to add videos to what is now your collaborative playlist.

Collaborative Playlists share

You'll also be able to quickly reference the editors of your shared Playlist. Just open click on the people icon near the top right corner of your Playlist's homepage.

people icon

How does it work for Collaborators or Co-Editors?

Once someone is added as an Editor, they'll find the shared Playlist under their Collaborative section. And they'll now be able to add any of their own recordings to your Playlist.

Screenshot of playlists tab with collaborative section highlighted

How are sharing settings affected?

As a general rule, anyone who has access to your Playlist will be able to view every recording included. Below you'll find details regarding how that works for different share settings.

Open link: Any video set to Open link will remain as such when added to any Playlist – regardless of whether that Playlist is set to Private or Restricted.

Example: My colleague adds an Open link video to our collaborative Playlist. I've set the Playlist to be restricted, but their video will keep it's open link status. This allows my colleague to share their video however they please, but keeps the Playlist restricted as a whole.

Restricted: Any Restricted video will remain Restricted unless it's added to an Open link Playlist.

Example: I have a recording that's restricted to my organization's domain and I add it to a collaborative Playlist. If that Playlist is set as being open link, the sharing settings of my recording will then switch to being open link as well. This is so that anyone accessing the Playlist will be able to view any and every recording included.

Private: Any recording set as Private will change when added to a collaborative Playlist.

Example: I've set a recording as being Private. If I add it to a collaborative Playlist, it's sharing settings will change to whatever the Playlist's settings are. Because Private videos are only viewable by their creator, adding one to a shared Playlist is inherently negating their Private status.

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