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Vidcast allows you to group recordings into Playlists to keep your videos organized

Tomas Tarasovic avatar
Written by Tomas Tarasovic
Updated over 8 months ago

Once you learn the value of creating and sharing Vidcasts, you may find yourself with quite a lot of recordings. This is why we created Playlists, which allow you to keep everything organized with sequential playback for your audience.

To see a video demonstration of Playlists, click on the thumbnail below:

Playlists demo

Creating a Playlist

After selecting the Playlists tab in your Library, click on the "New Playlist" button in the top right.

Create playlist screenshot

This will then ask you to give your playlist a title and description. And don't worry, you can always go back and change these.

Create playlist overlay

You'll then find your newly created collection listed among any others you have.

Playlist page screenshot

You will notice that Playlists are organized into different sections. Click on See all button on the right to see all videos in each section

screenshot of playlist page with sections highlighted
  • My playlists will contain playlists that you have created

  • Collaborative are Playlists that someone else created but you were invited to edit. More about Collaborative Playlists in this article

  • Shared with me are Playlists that someone else created and specifically shared them with you

  • Recently viewed is a list of Playlists you have recently viewed

Adding videos to your Playlist

After opening up your newly created Playlists, you'll see two spaces where you can add videos.

Add videos to playlist

Either option will allow you to select videos from your existing library to add to this collection. You can select up to 20 videos and add them all at once.

Add video overlay

You can also add a video to the Playlist directly from your library, either by clicking on the three dots that will appear once you hover your cursor over the thumbnail, or by clicking on the three dots next to the Share button on the video playback page. You will be also able to create a new Playlist from that menu.

Screenshot of thumbnail with a three dot menu activated, playlists highlighted

Once your videos are in the Playlist, you can reorder them by simply dragging and dropping the video to the desired position. This will reflect in the sequential playback.

Screenshot of playlists videos being dragged to be reordered

Finally, once you hover your cursor over the individual video, you will be able to remove the video from your Playlist. You can also click on the three dots next to the remove button to Edit, Share, Download or Delete the particular video.

Remove video

Sharing your Playlist

You can share your Playlist either by clicking on the Share button in the top right corner or by copy/pasting the link from your browser.

Share playlist

All newly created Playlist will default to private (only visible to the author). You can always change share settings of your Playlist the same way you can do so for individual videos, by clicking on the Share button. To explore different share settings, please refer to our Share your Vidcast article.

Playlist share permissions will override share permissions of individual videos. If the Playlist is set to open link and you will add a video that is restricted, the video will become open link when watch through the playlist.

Sequential playback

Once your audience opens the link you shared, they will see a list of all video added in the Playlist. They can either choose to start watching the particular video they want to see from your playlist, or watch them all in sequence by clicking on the Play button in the top right corner.

Play playlist video

Regardless of how your audience decides to start watching your Playlist, they will see a list of previous and upcoming videos in the sidebar next to the video. Your audience can choose to navigate to the previous or next video in the Playlist by clicking on corresponding buttons.

All videos in the Playlist will then play in sequence in which they were organized in the Playlist. Unless stopped, the next video in the sequence will play automatically.

Embed your playlist

You can also embed your playlist to your website to have your videos play in order. To do that, make sure your set the playlist to Open Link and click on the Embed tab in the Share permissions menu. You will be able to copy just the embed link, or the full embed code.

embed options screenshot

To read more about embedding, read through our dedicated Embed you Vidcast article!

Other Playlist settings

Near the top right corner of your playlist, you'll see the choices to Play all videos, add more videos or share the Playlist. Click on the three-dot menu and you'll find further options: Edit, Duplicate, Delete and Update Cover Image

Playlist settings
  • Edit will allow you to rename the Playlist and change the description.

  • Duplicate will create an identical Playlist that you can further tweak without affecting the original Playlist.

  • Delete will delete the Playlist. It will not delete any videos included in the Playlist, those will still remain in your Library. This action is irreversible.

  • Update cover image will allow you to choose a different gradient or pre-existing Webex cover image.

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