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AI Highlights & Smart Chapters
AI Highlights & Smart Chapters

Vidcast is now using AI to summarize your content and automate your chapters.

Tomas Tarasovic avatar
Written by Tomas Tarasovic
Updated this week

You can learn more about Vidcast's approach to AI in AI Transparency Technical Note in the Cisco Trust Portal.

Do you prefer to watch a video walkthrough of AI Highlights and Chapters? Click on the thumbnail below!

AI Highlights & Chapter demo

AI Highlights

Highlights automatically generate a summary of the video, allowing viewers to focus on the main points without watching the entire video from the beginning to end.

The control panel at the top of the Highlights tab will allow your audience to play only highlighted parts of the video, copy Highlights with the link to the video and rate the relevance of AI Highlights. The author of the video and anyone with the Editor role will be also able to edit these Highlights.

AI Highlighs control panel

The time stamp next to the Play all button indicates the duration of the highlighted parts of your Vidcast.

You will be also able to watch AI Highlights, without the need to open the video, in the dedicated Highlight reel. Simply open hover your mouse pointer over a video thumbnail (within Vidcast) and if the video has Highlights available, you will see a Highlight button.

Screenshot of a thumbnail with a highlight reel button

By clicking on the Highlight button, you will open a dedicated Highlight reel window, where you can review only the most important moments of the video.

screenshot of highlight reel

​Vidcast will automatically generate highlights for videos with transcripts longer than 100 words (estimated 50-80 seconds). This process can take up to 1x duration of the video and the creator will be notified by in-app notification and via email, once Highlights are generated.

Notification screenshot
Email notification screenshot

You can also generate Highlights for older or shorter videos manually by clicking on the Edit button below the video and selecting Generate AI Highlights in the Video details tab.

Generate AI highlights screenshot

Once AI highlights are generated, you can manually rephrase any Highlight, adjust the time stamp, or even delete and add new Highlights!

AI highlights edit panel

You can also delete individual Highlights by hovering your mouse over the Highlight in the Video details tab. You will be also able to rate only that particular Highlight and navigate to the Highlight in the video preview.

AI Highlights edit control panel

Finally, if you would like AI to try generate a new set of Highlights, you can do so by clicking on the Regenerate button below all already generated Highlights.

Regenerate AI highlights screenshot

Please not that regenerating Highlights will replace all the content, including manually added Highlights.

Clipping, trimming and stitching will also regenerate Highlights to better match the edited content.

Smart Chapters

Vidcast is now also able utilize AI to assist you with creation of chapters with ease. These will be located in the right hand side bar next to your video.

You will be also able to access chapter menu by clicking on the chapter name in the video player itself. This will allow you to utilize the right hand sidebar for another tool (eg. Slido, Highlights or transcript), while browsing through the chapters in the video.

Smart Chapters player screenshot

​Vidcast will automatically run Smart Chapters on videos with transcripts longer than 260 words (estimated 2-3 min). As with AI Highlights, this process can take up to 1x duration of the video and the creator will be notified by in-app notification and via email once Chapters are generated.

Notification screenshot
Email notification screenshot

Clicking in the Edit button below the video or below the Chapter selection will again bring you to the Video details tab. There you will be able to adjust your generated Chapters, manually add new ones and, as with Highlights, regenerate your Smart Chapters (this will once again replace any content in your Chapters section).

Edit AI Chapters screenshot

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