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Profile Page

A page for your Discoverable videos and collections within Vidcast

Tomas Tarasovic avatar
Written by Tomas Tarasovic
Updated over 8 months ago

Your Profile Page is a place for anyone in your org to find all of your recordings that you've deemed discoverable.

Profile page

Within anyone's Profile Page, you'll easily find their Latest videos, their Most popular videos, as well as any Playlist they've shared.

Marking your videos as discoverable is done within your videos' and playlists' sharing settings. See exactly how to do this here.

How do I find the Profile Page of someone in my organization?

Any Vidcast video that your colleague shares with you will have their name and avatar near the bottom left corner. Clicking on the name or avatar will take you directly to their Profile Page.

Profile link

How do I view my own Profile Page?

From any page within Vidcast, clicking on your avatar in the upper right corner will bring up a small dropdown window. Clicking on your name or avatar here will take you directly to your Profile Page.

User avatar

Note: Your Profile Page is only visible to people from your same organization. Even if you're sharing videos publicly, your name/avatar will not be clickable for them unless they're logged in under your same org.

Edit My Profile

Within your own Profile Page, you'll see an Edit profile button near the top right corner. Clicking here will bring you to where you can edit how your name is displayed...

Edit profile

...update the color gradient for your page...

Update gradient

...or update your Webex/Vidcast account information (including your avatar picture).

Update account info

Note: The ability to update your account information may vary depending on any restrictions set in place by your organization.

Questions? Start a chat with our support team or reach us at

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