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Import Your Webex Meeting
Tomas Tarasovic avatar
Written by Tomas Tarasovic
Updated over 7 months ago

Had some team members that couldn't make a meeting? No problem. You can import a Webex Meeting recording directly into Vidcast, edit it and share it with your team.

You can import your Webex Meeting recording straight from the homepage, where you will see a reel of most recent Meeting recordings that are available.

screenshot of import webex meeting reel

You can either Preview those recordings, or click on the Import button to have them imported to Vidcast.

Please note that clicking on the Preview button does not import the meeting into Vidcast and you data is still stored only in Webex.

Once you click on the Import button, you will be asked if you'd like to share the recording with Meeting invitees. You can select them all, just some of the invitees, or even unselect them all. If you decide to share the meeting with invitees, they will be automatically added to the list of users that can view the imported video and they will received an email inviting them to watch it.

screenshot of the share access to meeting dialogue window

Once you are happy with attendees that will have access (you can always change this later in the video's Share permissions), click on Import -> to initiate the process.

Alternatively, you can import Webex Meeting recordings from anywhere in Vidcast. Simply click on the Arrow up button between the Notification bell icon and the New video icon, and select Import Webex Meetings.

screenshot of the import webex meetings button in the top right corner

This will open a new window with chronologically ordered Meeting recordings that are available to you for import. Select one or multiple recordings you would like to import and click “Import Selected”. Click “Done” or close the pop up and your recordings will continue to import in the background.

screenshot of webex meeting recording import dialogue window for multiple meetings

You will be able to invite invitees of the meeting prior to import only if you select to import a single meeting (by clicking on the Import icon next to the selected meeting). If you select multiple meetings, you will be able to invite invitees only by adding them manually to share permission after the import.

Once your recordings have finished importing, you can access them from the "Meetings" tab in your Feed. As with any Vidcast video, you can add chapters, clip, trim, add to a Collection, edit transcript and manage sharing permissions.

Please note:

  • Only Webex Meetings/ Webinars recordings are compatible at this time. Webex Events recordings are not compatible with Vidcast.

  • Recordings imported to Vidcast will remain available even if the original recording is deleted from your Webex site.

  • The recording will need to have downloads allowed. This can be set in Recordings tab on your Webex site. Click on the edit button and make sure Prevent downloading is unticked.

    Import Your Webex Meeting

Someone else has recorded the meeting and I want to upload it to Vidcast. Is there a way that would let me do so?

Absolutely! All they have to do is to share the recording with you via email (this can be done in the Recordings tab of their Webex site). For exacts steps, click on the thumbnail below!

Import Your Webex Meeting

Didn't find what you were looking for? Feel free to send a message to our Support team (, we will be glad to assist!

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